What are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks are long, narrow streaks, stripes or lines that develop on the skin. They typically differ in hue from the surrounding skin. Stretch marks are extremely common and are the result of a sudden stretching of the skin. Anyone can develop stretch marks, although they tend to affect more women than men.
Stretch Mark Treatment Areas
In males, stretch marks most commonly appear on the shoulders and back. Females typically develop stretch marks on the hips, thighs, and breasts.
When Do Stretch Marks Appear?
Typically, stretch marks appear under any of the following circumstances:
- Pregnancy
- Puberty
- Obesity
- Rapid weight gain
- Weightlifting
- Numerous medical conditions
What Causes Stretch Marks?
The skin consists of three key layers: the epidermis (the outer layer), dermis (the middle layer) and subcutaneous or hypodermis (the deepest layer). Usually, as the body grows, the strong connecting fibers in the dermis slowly stretch. However, with rapid growth, the fibers overstretch and break. This type of skin scarring is red or purple initially due to blood vessels showing through the tears in the dermis. Eventually, they fade to a silvery, white or glossy appearance.
Post-Pregnancy Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are common during the later stages of pregnancy. Their occurrence depends largely on skin type and skin elasticity.
Hormones are produced during pregnancy that softens pelvic ligaments and increases their flexibility. Hormones also soften skin fibers, giving an increased risk of stretch marks. They tend to appear on the abdomen as the baby grows and sometimes occur in the skin covering the thighs and breasts.
Stretch Marks Caused by Weight Gain
Stretch marks can also be caused by weight gain, such as when bodybuilders and athletes dramatically increase muscle mass over a short period of time.
Stretch Mark Treatment in Houston TX
Creams, gels, lotions, laser, and cosmetic surgery have all been proposed as stretch mark treatments in Houston, TX. Advances in laser technologies and ongoing research mean that the future looks bright for developing effective treatments. Dr. Esta Kronberg uses the N-Lite/Regenlite Laser to treat stretch marks.
N-Lite Laser for Stretch Mark Treatment Results

Before and After Photos of Patient Using Regenlite Laser Treatment
Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Kronberg
For more information on the different ways to treat stretch marks and to see if you would be a good candidate for treatment, call our practice. To schedule a consultation call 713-988-8442.