
Archive | Spider Vein Treatment

Do You Have Arachnophobia?

As we get older we all have some gripes. Here’s a universal complaint — spider veins. Yes, these clusters of red, blue, and purple lines coursing about on our ankles, shins, and thighs are as universally detested in Houston as Hurricane Harvey. Dr. Kronberg knows how to deal with these unfortunate byproducts of aging — […]

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Varicose and Spider Veins Houston TX

Show Your Spider Veins the Door

Aging isn’t for wimps. Our joints start to ache. Our skin starts to sag. And we even get squiggly purple, blue, and red lines coursing about our legs. Spider veins. Yuck. They can get so bad that we avoid wearing shorts or dresses during our toasty Houston summers, and that’s no fun. But Dr. Kronberg […]

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We now have the RHA fillers… New smoother fillers
And Daxxify. …new longer lasting toxin…could last 6 months .