
Make This a Leap Year for Your Spider Veins

Women showing varicose and spider veins on the skin of legAging isn’t for wimps. Our skin sags. Our hair thins. Our muscles slacken.

And our legs sport clusters of squiggly clusters of red, purple, and blue lines on our thighs, calves, and ankles. Spider veins. Taking their name from their web-like appearance, spider veins aren’t usually painful, but no one likes to see them show up on their legs. Dr. Kronberg uses sclerotherapy to treat spider veins and smaller varicose veins.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are small superficial clusters of veins that are close to the skin surface. Because they are carrying dark, de-oxygenated blood, they are visible on the skin surface. They are common in women and men as we age. There is a genetic component to developing spider veins, as well.

How is a sclerotherapy session done?

Dr. Kronberg uses a very tiny needle for sclerotherapy. Spider veins are near the surface of the skin, so the injections to address them do not need to be at much depth.

At the start of your session, we’ll discuss the spider veins and smaller varicose veins you’d like to remove. We then inject the sclerosant solution directly into the vein. At Dr. Kronberg’s, we use Asclera, an FDA-approved sclerosant solution that irritates the walls of vein, causing them to collapse. This closes off the vein and any minor amount of blood running through it is instantly redirected to a healthier nearby vein. The vein instantly diminishes in appearance. Over the next few weeks, the body scavenges and removes the unused vein.

Is sclerotherapy painful?

Patients worry that these injections will be painful, but they are not. We inject the sclerosant with a very tiny needle and only to a shallow depth. Patients equate the feeling of these injections to that of a pinprick.

What happens after my sclerotherapy session?

We recommend that you wear compression hose during waking hours for one to two weeks. This is especially true if we’ve treated a number of spider vein clusters in your session. The pressure applied by this hosiery improves the body’s ability to immediately start absorbing these closed-off veins. Otherwise, walking and moderate exercise is fine immediately after your procedure. You should avoid any strenuous exercise for about one week, however.

Is spider vein removal permanent?

Once Dr. Kronberg injects these veins they close off. They will not reopen, and the body will dispose of them over the next few weeks. They are gone for good. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t develop new spider veins.

Want to have your spider veins take a leap this February? Call us at (713) 771-8941 for Dr. Kronberg and make your spider vein treatment appointment.

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