
Facials — Good for Your Skin, Good for Your Mood

face-in-mirror-SmallTaking care of your skin is more than applying sunscreen. It’s more than applying lotion. Facials performed by our medical aesthetician at Dr. Kronberg’s office  are also important for the health of your skin.

We perform deep pore cleansing facials. These cleanse the skin, treat acne problems, and give the skin a healthy glow. But some people don’t understand the value of facials.

Why are facials important?

You eat right, exercise, have regular dental checkups, and have your hair cared for. What about your face? Facials help prevent and treat common skin problems. They let you stay on top of things that happen with the changing seasons.

Take the fall, for instance. In Houston, we’re not like Vermont, but our heaters will still come on, whether in November or January. When that happens, the dry artificial heat can dehydrate your skin. Facials can correct the dramatic lack of moisture. Then come April, the outdoor heat starts to build and your skin gets oilier and more prone to breakouts. Facials correct this new imbalance.

What are the benefits of a facial?

A good facial, such as those we provide at Dr. Kronberg’s office, should give your skin smoother texture, proper hydration, a glowing complexion, fewer breakouts, and firmer skin. Overall, regular facials give your skin a younger appearance.

Our facial process at Esta Kronberg MD Dermatology

Our core facial begins with a gentle cleansing of your skin. Next your pores are steamed to open them up, and then they are examined. Next is a deeper cleansing with gentle extractions to remove blackheads and clogged pores. Finally we perform a gentle exfoliation.

And we can customize any facial. We can apply glycolic acid for a gentle peel, antioxidant vitamin C, and skin normalization with vitamin A to enhance the results of your facial.

Ready to pamper your face in 2016? Call us at (713) 771-8941 to schedule your facial.

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