
Sculptra Houston, TX

Sculptra Is In For The Long Haul

If you’re reading Dr. Kronberg’s blog, you probably know a little something about collagen. Collagen is a protein that is responsible for the structure that supports the skin. With lots of collagen, the skin is firm, taut, and has few wrinkles. The problem is after the age of 20, humans lose one additional percent of […]

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Kybella Houston, TX

Double Chins are Doubly Obnoxious

If you’re over 40, odds are you have at least a semblance of a double chin. It’s just the way it is. A little fat accumulation. A little sagging skin. A little too much gravity. And now you have a mushy profile. Dr. Kronberg offers Kybella to help you lose the double chin. What is […]

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We now have the RHA fillers… New smoother fillers
And Daxxify. …new longer lasting toxin…could last 6 months .